Information for patients
Some information about our practice, and questions commonly asked, are found below. Please dont hesitate to contact us by email or telephone if you have other concerns.
We are happy to see anyone needing management of a neurosurgical condition, and consult regularly in Melbourne and Geelong. You will need a referral to Assoc Prof Laidlaw from your local doctor or another treating doctor.
2nd opinions
We are also very happy to see patients requiring second opinions, and understand that this is often very important to patients. If you do want a second opinion then please discuss this with our office staff when you make the appointment in order that we can have appropriate information available when you are seen.
Medicolegal, TAC & workcover
If you require a medicolegal assessment or report, or require management of a condition that is covered under workcover, comcare or TAC, then please also discuss this with our rooms when you make the appointment. This is necessary to make sure an appropriate consultation duration is scheduled and appropriate medicolegal assessments are made.
Public hospital clinics
Associate Professor Laidlaw also has regular outpatient clinics at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. We are happy to refer you to those clinics if you want ongoing treatment as a public patient at no cost. However, unfortunately we cannot influence the waiting times for patients managed in the public hospital.

What must I bring to appointments?

For every appointment, you must bring:
all scans and xrays (either CD ROM, or films).
please note, the report is not necessarily required, but the images on CD or films are.
please call main office before appointment if you do not have these.
medications you are currently taking, including any that you have bought without a prescription
adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
any letters or reports from your local doctor or any other treating doctor
any other test results you have which are related to your condition
For first appointment, in addition to above, you must also bring:
Medicare card
Health Care card (if you have one)
Concession card (if you have one)
TAC or Workcover claim number (if you have one)
Private health insurance card (if you have one)
Where do we operate, and why not at other hospitals?
All neurosurgical operations are performed at the co-located Melbourne Private and The Royal Melbourne Hospitals, in Parkville. The combined neurosurgery services at these two hospitals provide the largest and most comprehensive service available in Australasia.
We understand that many of our regional and country patients would prefer to have surgery closer to home, and acknowledge that there are regional hospitals at at which some neurosurgical operations are performed. However, at present none can provide the standard of peri-operative neurosurgical care available at the co-located Melbourne Private / Royal Melbourne Hospitals. These provide the best equipped and most comprehensive neurosurgical services available in Australasia, such as a specialised ward with a neurosurgical high-dependency unit, 24/7 neurosurgical resident/registrar cover, 24/7 interventional neuroradiology, and a large team of specialised neurosurgeons and other specialists providing additional backup and support at all times.

Medical expenses & private insurance
Will I get a bill for my private rooms attendances?
Yes. Part of that account will be paid my medicare, but there will be an additional payment required form you. Unfortunately, private health insurance does not provide any coverage for rooms consultations, and only provides coverages for medical attendances in hospital. The cost will depend on the duration and complexity of the consultation; please feel free to call for an estimate.
Can I get a consultation with A/Prof Laidlaw at no cost?
Associate Professor Laidlaw has 2 public hospital outpatient clinics at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. You can be seen in these outpatient clinics at no cost to yourself. If you wish to attend these then please contact these rooms and advise us, and we will send your appointment to the RMH outpatient department. Unfortunately we cannot schedule these clinics directly, and the appointment timing will be made by the RMH. If you then have any further enquiries about your appointment you will need to contact the RMH outpatient department on:
tel: +613 9342 8219
fax:+61 3 9342 7273
Will I have any out-of-pocket expenses during my private hospital admission?
Patients with the best private health cover will have all of their private hospital costs and the majority of specialist surgeon/anaesthetist/physician costs are also covered. There may some further payment required for some specialist fees, and these will be discussed with you prior to admission. Anaesthetists, physicians and other specialists involved in your inpatient management are independent practioners and determine their own fees.
Unfortunately, some private hospital insurance cover does not provide payment for certain types of treatment, and some provide cover in public hospitals only. Many patients also elect to have an excess which their insurers require them to pay for each admission. Please discuss this with your insurer before admission.
If you have any questions regarding costs and fees, please discuss with us before you are admitted. If you require a formal quotation from the hospital prior to admission, then please ask us and we can request this.
Can I have public hospital surgery with no cost to myself?
A/Prof Laidlaw is also very happy to treat any uninsured or insured patients at RMH, and place them on the RMH waiting list. All patients having surgery performed by him at RMH should receive no accounts or have any out-of-pocket expenses.
All patient's on the RMH waiting list, regardless of their insurance status, have their waiting time determined by the RMH. Once a patient is on the RMH waiting list this practice can not directly advise you regarding the waiting time or expected scheduling of surgery. This information will be available through the RMH Neurosurgery Liaison Nurses
Patients who elect to be treated by A/Prof Laidlaw at RMH as private patients can expect to have A/Prof Laidlaw personally perform the surgery, and have post-operative follow-up in the private rooms.
Uninsured patients, or insured patients who elect to be treated at RMH as public patients, cannot be guaranteed that A/Prof Laidlaw will be performing the surgery (but it will be performed by a member of the neurosurgery department), and will be followed up following surgery in the RMH outpatient clinic.